
Si no usas remarketing te estás dejando el dinero

Search Engine LandFriday, 21 September 2018

I firmly believe most companies are leaving big money on the table by not fully utilizing Remarketing Lists and Similar Audiences. I just don’t think businesses really get it.

In this article, I’m looking to offer suggestions and help marketers not leave anything on the table.Similar Audiences

Ever wish you could get a set of new leads that come pre-qualified? Good news: you can. Similar Audiences for Search are based off existing remarketing lists, but target new users with similar search behavior to those on your existing remarketing lists.

Because they’re intended to be similar to users who have already expressed interest in your site, they’re considered more qualified than the average searcher.

If these sound at all familiar, it’s likely because similar audiences have been available for some time on the Google Display Network or because they mimic the function of a Facebook lookalike audience. These audiences are at work on both Facebook and Google. Businesses are not taking full advantage.Benefits of Similar Audiences for Search

These audiences can be extremely beneficial to advertisers for a number of reasons, such as:

Find and target people similar to your site’s visitors.

Simplify finding audiences to target. Get new potential customers.

Let’s expand on each of those things a little.

With Similar Audiences, you’re not running blind. You’re targeting a group of people whose interests align with your current customers and prospects. Think about it. Brands continue to pour money into advertising methods like TV and magazines, while not spending enough on newer features like lookalike audiences. Data isn’t driving those TV ads; it is, however, driving your lookalike and similar audiences. And while a TV ad may get you in front of a huge audience, it isn’t necessarily a qualified one.

Say you’re an insurance company and you want to push auto insurance. Using remarketing, you can build a list of all the people who have visited your auto insurance product page. Then create a similar audience from that pool. The new similar audience will have similar search patterns and interests as those that visited your site, but this new list has the potential to reach a much bigger, qualified audience.

Essentially, you’re taking that visitor pool and increasing it exponentially. Even cooler? You can create a similar audience based on past converters. If you have a list o

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Tags: marketers, company, remarketing, google, facebook, ads, advertising, brands, businesses

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